I went binge shopping at Forever21.com and spent $40.04... pretty good seeing as I got 5 shirts and a pair of sandals. I just got the basics off my list. The money was from my aunt for my bday in exactly a month (look for a huge post than, seeing as I'm having 12 girls... 20$ each for presents... that's $240 of clothes :]) so I only had to pay 4 cents. It would've been 6.95 cheaper, but with dang shipping. Ah well, I can never find aything in the store anyways, so it's fine! What do you think of it?! They look kinda tacky online, but they look better in real life!

Also, what do you think of any outfit like this, but with a normal tank, and without the hat?

Please rate both!! Thanks!
Stay fashionable,
It's all adorable!
I love those sandals, they're so cute!
As for the outfit, the idea of it is cute but that skirt is awful and I don't like the colors. I think it would look better with something a little darker.
Thanks ladies! :]
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