Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I went shopping ... again!

Haha, yes, I got more clothes. I've been getting a lot lately :] From Target, I purchased plain black shorts. There a basic cotton. Now I have every color short ; khaki, white, black, and multi color!

I also got a pattern and fabric for a dress I'm going to make tomorrow! The pattern's below. Mine is going to be in a nice white eyelet. It's actually going to be the B/C one, with the halter neck.

That's all for now! My birthday is coming up, so I shall be getting loads more clothing than!

Stay fashionable,

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Went shopping...

... and got three things off my list!

I got...

- Black converse with a little pink on the bottom.
- A quilted summer bag
- Silver flats.

That was all $35. I still need another tote to carry my stuff in though!


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Basics and Sandals!

I went binge shopping at and spent $40.04... pretty good seeing as I got 5 shirts and a pair of sandals. I just got the basics off my list. The money was from my aunt for my bday in exactly a month (look for a huge post than, seeing as I'm having 12 girls... 20$ each for presents... that's $240 of clothes :]) so I only had to pay 4 cents. It would've been 6.95 cheaper, but with dang shipping. Ah well, I can never find aything in the store anyways, so it's fine! What do you think of it?! They look kinda tacky online, but they look better in real life!

Also, what do you think of any outfit like this, but with a normal tank, and without the hat?

Please rate both!! Thanks!

Stay fashionable,

Friday, June 13, 2008


So, I'm finally entering Highschool! Yesterday was my last day of Middleschool. If you remember, my first post on this blog was a list of the makeup, clothes, and shoes that I want. Now that it's summer, and highschool is coming up, I need a new and imporved list. If you have any other ideas of stuff I need, or where to buy it, that'd be greatly apprecitaed. Oh, and don't forget, I only get 50$ a month for clothing (so, 150$) for the entire summer, but I'm having a Birthday Party, having about 12 girls, so I'll be getting around 240$ worth of gifts, and most likely at least 150$ of that will be for giftcards! I also generally get $50 from both grandparents. Wow. I'm going to be loaded this summer!


- Dark wash, flare jeans (Delias or Hollister)
- Plain camis (white, gray, black)
- Plain tanks (white, red, orange, purple)
- Plain Tshirts (what ever color I can find)
- Neutral colored cardigans (white, gray, black)

NOTE: I need help finding places to get cardigans!! Once I have all that, I will be buying other, more intresting pieces. I need basics, before I get anything else though. For most of those, I'm going to be using Target, Forever21 and maybe Hollister clearance.


- Jewlery (random, vintage pieces)
- Black sandals (Target, looks like UO)
- Brown sandals/flats
- Black low-top converse (maybe?)
- Colored low-top converse (TJMaxx)
- Big tote (Target)


- Yellow Nailpolish (I need it. One of my bizarre wants)
- Eyeshadow
- Gold/silver eyeliner
- Peach lipgloss

NOTE:These will all be from Target or Drugstores.

Stay Fashionable,
