I went shopping yesterday, for a few basics, and a few cute shirts! Here's what I got:

The blue shirt looks a lot better on, and I got it on clearance from AE woot! I also got a free tshirt there for trying on jeans, good for sleeping.
The black shirt also looks better on, and was also on clearance.
The white sweatshirt is something I needed for my lazy days, again on clearance.
I went to Plato's closet and got the HCO jeans, that are amazing. They were only $18.00 too! There a bit long, so I have to hem them, but I don't care, there gorgeous, and exactly what I needed I also got a white henley from AE there, for $5. Again, basic, but I needed it.
I also got this green sweatshirt from the Dear line, for only 8.98. I had bought these patches from VS right before that (so I could get a free makeup bag for camp) and there iron on, so I'm going to iron them on, and it'll look like a sweatshirt from VS, woot! also for lazy days.
Only 70$ for all that, which I think is pretty good. Now, I'm going shopping next month, and I'll get all my interesting clothing :)
Comment, and tell me what you think pleasseee!Stay Fashionable,