It's official; I shouldn't be able to leave the house. I went to the mall to get my friends homecoming dress, and I end up going and dropping 55$ on stuff, haha. The brown, skinny cords were orriginally $44.50, but I had $20 off, so I got them for $24.50. The sweaters were both $7.50, and look sooo much better IRL. The jeans were only $12.50. These are just to wear with boots, because my other skinny jeans are huge on my calves, so they look funny!
Whaddya think!?
Yummy cords.
It's about my friends. I think our friendship lacks a lot of depth. I mean, all we talk about is The Hills or co-op or drama at school. And I only talk to one of my friends about Ethan because I feel... a bit closer to her? Though they've never... actually liked anyone at school. Or at least not that I recall of. She's such a slow replyer, last night as like talking to a wall. I was pretty frustrated so I was like "well... at least you guys don't have to go through these dumb things, you guys are like almost asexual hahaha"... jokingly, of course, but I really didn't have anything to say anymore because she didn't reply. Then I told her I had to go and she still didn't reply until I was offline and she said "well maybe it's because we choose not to share"... ugh whatever. I really don't think she understands, she's like HIM AGAIN? i can't believe u still like him. Arghasfk or maybe I'm just annoying. I mean, LOOK AT LENGTH OF THIS COMMENT! I'm ending this right now. Hahahha.<3
Love the jeans! 12.50? No way! From where?
[I'm a JBer, by the way.]
There from Forever21! Uber comfy :)
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