Sunday, February 24, 2008

I Want More... Clothes!

There are quite a few necessities clothing wise I think I will need. And here is my list so far...

-Dark denim flare jeans
-Jean shorts
-A cami/tank in every color [red,orange,yellow,green,blue,purple,pink,white,brown,black]
-Cardigans in fun, bright and neutral colors
-2 new, nice bras [VS tshirts bra, and a seamless one from Gilly Hicks or VS]
-5 plain tshirts
-1/2 new bags
-1/2 new sundresses
-brown wideleg pants

More will be added as I think of more. I'm going to start buying these things now, up until September, I'll be trying to get all of these. I'll have around $300 for shoes and clothes. I'll also have birthday money, and my own money. I might not be buying a few of the things, for it'll be harder to find them in summer, like Wideleg jeans, cardigans and jean jackets.

For now,

1 comment:

Martha said...

Well, next school year I have to wear a red or blue polo and khaki pants. Do you know any good accessories to make brighten up my uniform? And do you know of any good stores that sells cute polos and khaki pants? I like you list by the way. Thanks.
